I’ve been reading a ton about high availability servers. A ton. And since we’ve been using the vmware free servers since 1.0, I guess it’s about time to get caught up on them again.

VMWare server 1.* was great – it’s free, ran reasonably well, and is free. The problem, however, was no native 64bit support, horrible RAM management, and no USB 2.0 support.

Welcome to VMWare server 2.*. Runs fairly well, is still free, and has 64bit support. No other options/features though.

So then I wanted to dabble in with HA – I need ESX right? ESX server costs money. My budget is pretty low at the moment so not-free is out of the question.

ESXi is free, however, so we’ll use that. Unfortunately you need to have at least 3 full-time servers for this to work (1 as a server manager, 2 as the mirrored servers)

First, download ESXi 3.5.*.
Then, burn the image to a CD
Load said CD into a server
Install on said server
Repeat on at least one other server

You should now have two fully functioning ESXi servers.

On your third server, install some version of Windows. I know, I know, windows blows. But in this case it’s not bad. Hard to break windows if you only use it for 1 single purpose. I ended up installing a VL version of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise R2 SP2.

Then, here’s where it gets a little expensive, you need to acquire a copy of VMWare Infrastructure. And by little expensive I really mean you should buy some lube to prepare for the… nevermind.

Without Infrastructure you cannot HA your vmware machines.

Install Infrastructure.

Tricky part: DNS settings. If you have only a few virtual hosts, you may as well hand edit your DNS hosts settings. If you have several hundred, a DNS server is more handy.

Power on one of your VMWare ESXi servers – then press alt + F1
Now type in “unsupported” without the quotes
Then type in your root password when prompted

vi /etc/hosts
Shift + I
Scroll down to the last line, hit enter to start a new line, and then type in your OTHER server’s IP information: host2.localdomain host2

Test the settings by pinging the host:
ping host2
If you get a response that’s a good thing. No response is a bad thing.

Now, do the same thing on the other host:
Press alt + F1
Now type in “unsupported” without the quotes
Then type in your root password when prompted

vi /etc/hosts
Shift + I
Scroll down to the last line, hit enter to start a new line, and then type in your OTHER server’s IP information: host1.localdomain host1

Ping test once again and it should work just fine.

Then, and only then, do we start to work on the infrastructure side of things.

Create a new datacenter
Right-Click and create new cluster. I’m choosing HA.
Right-Click and add a host. Type in the IP of the first host and root/password.
Right-Click and add the second host using the same method.
Infrastructure should automatically add them to the HA area.

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