
IT from TheLibrarie.com started because I was tired of all the sites out there that only give half the details, or other sites that only give out questions and make you sign up or pay for answers.  Being in the field so long, I find myself always learning new materials and wanting to make it easier for others to follow in our paths. At least I’d like to think so – I’ve never been very good at charging people for knowledge. I should also note that these subjects are written from my perspective, so they’re tailored to help me rather than you.

Computers have been around long enough to create a vast amount of variables. The articles posted here are for basic configurations only.  If there are any questions please feel free to contact me and, if I’m bored and not very busy, I may try to figure our problems with you. Notice I didn’t say FOR you.

Use the search feature to quickly navigate this site.  Need to find something about running multiple copies of gaim at once? Just type “gaim” into the search field and click on search.  It’s just that easy!

In October of 2020, I changed theme to fit my needs, added adwords back into play to supplement my hosting fees, and continue to tweak my posting and writing approach methodologies.

In May of 2006, I started by posting my first few blog entries.

As of August 4th 2008, I’ve redone the categories. Software was broken down into Microsoft and Linux groups.

As of October 5th 2009, I’ve changed the theme of the site and rid myself of the crappy index.html landing page. The links have been redone a bit (some removed, some added), and I will be working on the download areas soon enough.

As of April 8th 2010, I’ve added Captcha processing to reduce the number of SPAM Comment Bots.

On October 4th 2010, I changed the sitename and tagline as to not confuse people. I’m not offering free services. I am merely sharing information I’ve found with others.

July 27th 2011, I added some Google Adsense advertisements to the top of every post and the sidebar of the main page. Since 50% of my “users” are utilizing firefox, I’ll assume that roughly 1/3 of all page views will not actually show the advertisements. All potential profits will be used to pay for the hosting of this site. Any additional funds and I’ll probably just donate to charity anyway.

Sometime in February of 2020 my site was “hacked”; there was an outdated theme with a backdoor that was accessed by unknown entities. I ended up learning a valuable lesson about removing old files when they’re not in use. Security by obscurity != security had been drilled in my head over the years, but yet I let this happen.

In any case, I was kicked out of the AdSense club while flagged as a “malicious” website and never got around to re-subscribing. The ads were paying for the domain registration and about 1/10 of my hosting fees every year (shared hosting!), so I’ll probably put them back. Eventually.

WordPress Fence is actually a pretty good thing to have. Who knew?

So I just now realized that I’ve been maintaining this blog for over 14 years (started May, 2006). Through ups and downs, new technologies, and several jobs, I’ve kept on writing. Looking back I notice several mistakes along the way, but overall I think I’ve done a fairly OK job.

My interests have definitely changed over my lifetime.

I’ve had the following technology positions: 1) Family Computer Expert (ongoing), 2) College Dorm Floor Computer Expert, 3) Configurations Technician, 4) Helpdesk, 5) Systems Administrator, 6) Network Administrator, 7) Network Engineer, 8) Network Services Manager/Infrastructure Manager, 9) IT Director, and 10) Manager of Systems Administration. Who knows what the future will hold. I have noticed, however, that while I’m still on the management side of the fence, I do find myself rolling up the proverbial sleeves and diving head-first into new facets of technology.

Do you want to contribute to IT.TheLibrarie.Com?  E-Mail Us at thelibrarie [at] gmail [dot] com. Found a mistake?  E-Mail Us with corrections.

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Ramblings Of An IT Person