Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 Mem_Bad_Pointer

A company is using Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 (Great Plains 10) for all of their financial recordings. They have a total of two people who input, print, and export data using MS Dynamics. It’s running SP3 FYI.

Each reports.dic file is running locally on the machine with a backup copy(ies) on a file server. Unfortunately after working well for almost a year, the report on one of the systems started to spew out errors. Researching the errors did not yield many results, so we went ahead and replaced the reports.dic file on the local machine. All errors then stopped.

Two weeks later BOTH machines are now having errors posting, running reports, etc. Looks like another corrupt reports.dic file. The error was:
And then the program would close. Wonderful, right?

We tried to replace the file again, but the errors continued. So then we tried to import the existing file into a new reports.dic and use that. Yay!

Close out of Microsoft Dynamics GP 10
Navigate to your reports file (Default is c:\program files\microsoft dynamics\gp\reports.dic)
Rename the reports.dic file to reportsold.dic
Open Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 and log in as usual
Click on the User Preferences
Then Click on Tools > Customize > Report Writer
After the Report Writer loads, click on the Reports Button
Then Click on Import from file.

Now it gets a little tricky. You’ll have to select each and every field you want to import to the existing file (which is now the new reports.dic – a generic file created when you open GP for the first time). Highlight each field and then click the import button in the middle. When finished, click the Import button on the right hand side.

You should see all of your fields slowly (or quickly) go away. That’s a good sign – it means that all of those fields are now imported into the new reports.dic file.

We ended up keeping the reportsold.dic file just as a reference.

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