I had to install a wordpress theme for a customer. I’m not a web developer by any means, so lucky for me wordpress is pretty straight forward. The theme they wanted to use was “free”, but had a footer with links to the theme’s developer site. Unfortunately the developer’s site was no longer functioning. A brief search for their company yielded similar results – all landing website pages or 404 error sites.
The terms and conditions for the theme stated that you could remove the footer only if you paid $29.95 to the company. As there was no company to pay, a “gray area” was presented. Should I just remove the footer and be done with my day? The customer requested that I adhere to the terms and conditions but make sure that the links would not go to unknown websites for fear that a malicious link could be used. They also requested that an RSS feed link be removed from the footer.
I go to edit the footer and notice the following PHP code:
Well how do I know this obfuscated PHP script isn’t going to send customers to malicious sites? I need to see the decoded PHP!
Scripting to the rescue!
Easiest way is to have a linux server laying around. I have a fully patched 10.04LTS Ubuntu server just for this purpose (VMWare Server).
Make the following PHP file:
< ? php /* Taken from http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.eval.php#59862 Directions: 1. Save this snippet as decrypt.php 2. Save encoded PHP code in coded.txt 3. Create a blank file called decoded.txt (from shell do CHMOD 0666 decoded.txt) 4. Execute this script (visit decrypt.php in a web browser or do php decrypt.php in the shell) 5. Open decoded.txt, the PHP should be decrypted */ echo "\nDECODE nested eval(gzinflate()) by DEBO Jurgen
echo "1. Reading coded.txt\n";
$fp1 = fopen ("coded.txt", "r");
$contents = fread ($fp1, filesize ("coded.txt"));
echo "2. Decoding\n";
while (preg_match("/eval\(gzinflate/",$contents)) {
$contents=preg_replace("/< \?|\?>/", "", $contents); eval(preg_replace("/eval/", "\$contents=", $contents)); } echo "3. Writing decoded.txt\n"; $fp2 = fopen("decoded.txt","w"); fwrite($fp2, trim($contents)); fclose($fp2);
Then follow the directions in the script. Or, if you’re like me, just create the following:
coded.txt (this file will have the ENTIRE PHP portion – everything from “eval(gzinflate” to the last “);”)
decoded.txt (make sure it’s writeable – either 0666 or 0777)
Run the script
Open the decoded.txt file