Category Archives: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting including spyware issues

NTLDR is missing

NTLDR is missing Press any key to restart.

Quite possibly since the first time Windows 2000 came out, this error has shown it’s ugly face many times. Finding information using google, I came across a fair number of sites that offered advice. Trying out some of them (even using windows crafty boot disks) I find that the easiest answer is found by using the Microsoft Windows disk itself.

Instead of making various ISO’s, burning CD’s, creating floppies etc, just throw in the Windows CD. In this case I’m going to be using a Dell OEM copy of Windows XP Pro SP2. It shouldn’t matter what copy you use, it’ll fix just the same.

Step 1: Boot off the CD. If you don’t know how to boot off the CD, you can search google for the answer.
Step 2: After everything is loaded, the installer should recognize that you have a Windows OS already installed. If it doesn’t, then check the cable connections to your HD. If those are fine, get a new HD – yours is fried.
Step 3: Choose Repair. This will bring up a black screen with some white text.
Step 4: Select your Windows installation – usually there is only one, it’ll tell you C:\Windows or D:\Windows etc, with a number next to it. Select the number and hit enter.
Step 5: Type FIXBOOT then enter
Step 6: Type Y, hit enter
Step 7: Type CD \, hit enter
Step 8: Type COPY D:\I386\NTLDR C:\, hit enter
Step 9: Type COPY D:\I386\NTDETECT.COM C:\, hit enter
Step 10: Type ATTRIB -H -S -R NTLDR, hit enter
Step 11: Type ATTRIB -H -S -R NTDETECT.COM, hit enter
Step 12: Reboot.

This should fix it right up. NTLDR errors are usually caused by a corrupted BOOT.INI file, and these steps will help recreate a working boot file.