Double Booking O365 Room Calendar

I went through and made sure that the room was set to not allow conflicts. Unfortunately it was still accepting conflict meetings as “tentative” instead of outright saying “no”. This was conflicting with our room booking evoko units (exterior to the room) and showing the second meeting – the tentative in Exchange/Outlook – as the only meeting. Bad.

So, open up your powershell and connect to the O365-land (previous post).

List All Rooms (you’ll need the email address)
Get-Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq "RoomMailbox"} | Format-Table DisplayName,Identity,PrimarySmtpAddress

List All Options On That Room
get-calendarprocessing roomname@domainname.tld | fl
Verify that the AllowConflicts is set to false. Verify that the forwardrequeststodelegates is also false. Verify that the AllRequestOutOfPolicy is set to false.

Change these settings (if the above is not false)
Set-CalendarProcessing roomname@domainname.tld -AllowConflicts $false
Set-CalendarProcessing roomname@domainname.tld -ForwardRequestsToDelegates $false
Set-CalendarProcessing roomname@domainname.tld -AllRequestOutOfPolicy $false

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