OSSIM Block Connection Attempts

I installed alien vault’s OSSIM (the community/free one) and added my subnets for scans. Unfortunately my APC PDUs and batteries really dislike having connection attempts every 2 hours.

Options would include deleting the range and adding smaller ranges, blocking via a firewall, or disabling alerts on the APCs for connection attempts.

So I opted for the easiest of blocking via the firewall:

SSH to my OSSIM box and “jailbreak” to get to a shell

Create a Shell script
nano block_apc.sh

iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP

Ctrl X

Make the Shell script Executable
chmod +x block_apc.sh

Run the Shell script

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