Category Archives: Microsoft

All Microsoft Products (Exchange, SQL, Windows, Server)

Exchange 2007 Full Mailbox Rights

In case you haven’t noticed, Microsoft took a giant leap backwards from their AD management of Exchange. It’s now back to the way it was Pre-2000 (5.5 anyone?) instead of 2000/2003 ish. One of the nice things about 07 is that they gave us a command line interface that is actually pretty nice (once you get the hang of how it all works).
This is how to setup a user with full mailbox rights – you can also choose other options instead of FullAccess.
This also assumes that you know the login/mailbox of the user you want to give permissions to as well as the user you want to take the permissions from.

Open up the Exchange Management Tools
Add-MailboxPermission OF_USER -User TO_USER -AccessRights FullAccess

So in my case it was:
Add-MailboxPermission computeruser -User computeradmin -AccessRights FullAccess
Which gave the computeradmin full access to use the computeruser’s mailbox.

Windows Update not Windows Updating

I’ve had this issue more often than I’d like to actually care to remember.

First thing I check is website security settings:

Open IE
Select Tools
Select Internet Options
Click on the Security Tab
Click on the Trusted Sites button (check mark)
Click on the Sites button
Add,, and any other microsoft update related sites

Next thing I generally check is if the Trusted Sites are actually being trusted

Open IE
Select Tools
Select Internet Options
Click on the Security Tab
Click on the Trusted Sites button (check mark)
Click on the Custom Level button
Make sure that the security is at Medium or below (Medium, Medium Low, or Low) – I generally put this at Low

After that make sure that the following services are enabled:



Automatic Updates/Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)

Finally, if nothing else works, turn off Automatic Updates and remove the SoftwareDistribution folder



Right-Click on Automatic Updates and select Stop


Open the DataStore folder
Delete everything inside
Right-Click on Automatic Updates and select Start
Retry the Windows Update

Windows Server 2008 NTP

I was having issues with my 2008 servers clocks: they were running fast. After 30 days they were 2 minutes fast. 90 days they were 6 minutes. You can guess how fast they were after 120 days. Yay math!

In XP and 2000 one could simply open up the date and time control panel (or double click on the clock) and, through some tabbed Internet Time, select a predetermined NTP server. Maybe I’m just blind, but I couldn’t find the option in 2008 or vista. It could be one of my GPO’s blocking said option. In any case, my clients were all receiving this “fast” time. Not good.

To fix:
Open up an administrative command window (windows key + r works wonders for me)
Set the NTP server to
net time /
Make sure that the NTP server has been saved
net time /querysntp
See where you’re grabbing your NTP information from (usually a domain controller)
net time
Actually corrects the time to your NTP server
w32tm /resync

RDP Connection Limit Windows Server 2003

One of the good things about Windows Server versus XP is the number of connections that you can have. XP is limited to 10 connections, Server is not limited. XP is limited to a single console connection and no RDP, Server is limited to a single console connection and two other RDP connections (total of 3).

One of the bad things is that in order to get your server to allow more than 3 simultaneous connections you need to install, and license, terminal server. Then you need to convert the server to run in Application Mode. Lots o’ fun. Our company made the mistake of installing a proof-of-concept of terminal server on a non-domain controller and non-production server. The server then died. And in order to retrieve the licenses, we’d have to contact the fine folk over at Microshaft and explain the situation, then get the new license keys, and then create the new server, and then configure the other servers to run in application mode. And hope it all works.

So I did it the easy way – hack the termsrv.dll file.

FYI hacking Microsoft files is a breach of the terms of service agreement and license agreements with Microsoft. Do so at your own risk.

First I will post how I went about “hacking” said file and how to implement in your own environment.
Unfortunately I can’t post the hacked file due to legal issues. So there is no “hey, here’s the file if you’re lazy”.

Now I’ve only tested this on Windows Server 2003 standard and enterprise, R2 and regular. ALL 32bit. I’m sure it’ll work on 64bit, but we have no needs to allow more than even the single console session on our 64bit servers.

Download the following files:

Install the vpatch32 program (works on XP and Vista32/64)
Unzip the to find a PatchData.pat file
Copy the termsrv.dll file from your server’s WINDOWS\system32 folder to your desktop (easier to find, and you can’t patch an ‘in-use’ file)

Open vpatchprompt.exe located in %programfiles%\VPatch\
This will prompt you to find the PatchData.pat file you unzipped
Then it will prompt you to find the file you want to patch, in our case it’s the termsrv.dll residing on your desktop
Then choose a file name and the program will save the patched dll as this new name. I chose termsrvNEW.dll to keep it easy to locate.

Now the tricky part – because Windows has built-in protection for system files, we have to go about this in a trick-defeating manner.

On your server, locate the file in WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\termsrv.dll
Rename this file termsrvOLD.dll
Now locate the termsrv.dll file in WINDOWS\system32\
Rename this file termsrvOLD.dll as well
Copy the termsrvNEW.dll to WINDOWS\system32\
Rename this file to termsrv.dll

Windows will generally complain that a file has changed. Let the OS know who’s boss and that you want to keep the file. Now, reboot.

Test – if anything breaks you can always undo the files by using your old one again. If it all goes as planned, you can now have unlimited RDP connections to your server.


If you change the files and Windows changes them back, that’s the built-in security DEP of Windows. You may have to start in Safe-Mode (F8 before the black Windows Screen but after the BIOS) in order to edit these files.

***EDIT PT 2***
Before I could respond to a comment left by an anonymous internet troll, I did some extra research into the matter. <--- apparently that will work on 64bit SP2 or R2 of Win2k3. I haven't tested it, so I won't comment further unless I need to apply this patch as well.

Printer Showing As Offline

I had an issue of a printer showing up as offline even though it was most certainly online. I could ping it from the print server, and I could view the html pages for the configuration of said printer, but the print server was still listing it as offline. WTF, eh?

Then I came across a hotfix from Microsoft that says if the printer uses SNMP for certain communication that if it goes offline at any time there is a possibility that the printer will show offline even if all other communication works. The fix is as follows:

Open Regedit
start > run > regedit
Locate the Print key container
Add a DWORD value to the print key container
Right-click and add DWORD Value
Give the DWORD key the name of SNMPLegacy
Set the SNMPLegacy key to 1
Close out of the registry editor

Now reset the print spooler service:
Start > run > services.msc
Find print spooler, right click, restart service


In case you haven’t noticed, I like to use free tools that allow me to manage systems remotely. I also ran an internal forum board with this exact information. But due to potential problems, I am disbanding the internal and only relying on this site.

MMC is built into Windows
SSH is mostly built into Linux
SSH is mostly built into Macintosh

PSTools Suite is probably the best I’ve come across – free and is now updated by Microsoft.

Pslist and Pskill are both very useful, but Psexec takes the cake. Pslist shows all running programs on a system:
pslist \\computername
Pskill will kill remote programs (or PIDs) on any system assuming the system isn’t locked up beyond the system services functionality.
pskill \\computername PID_or_Processname

Here are some simple commands I use every day:
Analyze remote system’s HD to see if it needs to be defragged
psexec \\somemachine -s -d defrag.exe c: -a
Force remote system’s HD to defrag
psexec \\somemachine -s -d defrag.exe c: -f
Run Internet Explorer and open website
psexec \\somemachine -i -d "C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe"
Install an MSI program
psexec -s -i \\somemachine msiexec -i c:\locationofmsi.msi
Open the Add/Remove Programs Applet
psexec -i -s \\somemachine control.exe appwiz.cpl

Looks like this really doesn’t work much on Windows 7 due to security restrictions. I end up using pslist \\computername to list the running processes, and then taskkill /S computername /PID processID /F to actually kill the running process.

Install XP From USB Key

I say USB Key, but there are a number of other buzzwords you can use: key fob, flash drive, thumb drive… the list goes on for a little while.

Things you need:
Computer that allows booting via USB/removable drives
USB Key with at least 1GB of free space – your key will be erased during the steps, so make sure nothing important resides on your device
A copy of Windows XP

After searching for a little bit on how to install XP from an external source, I found this script suite:
USB_MultiBoot_10.rar (10.9MB RAR format). Obviously you’ll need a program like WinRAR to open it.

How to run the script:

1.) Open USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd
2.) Press any key to pass the instructions
3.) Press P – this will load up the PeToUSB.exe (Preinstallation Environment To USB) that will format your USB key to allow it to be bootable. Make sure Quick Format and Enable LBA (FAT16X) are checked. Then press Start.
4.) When you close out of PeToUSB.exe, the command script will continue.
5.) Options – press the option number or letter and then hit enter:
Option 0 should already be set to USB-stick
Option 1 should be setup to point to your XP CD
The other options generally will not be needed/do not apply.
6.) When finished, press C and enter. This will add all the files needed to the USB key.
7.) When finished, try it out on your laptop/desktop
8.) My installation actually had an error – it was missing a flash file DLL, I skipped the error and everything else worked just fine.

I also recommend using nLite or another program to slipstream all necessary files on your Windows Disk BEFORE going through all these steps. But that is not a necessary step.