Category Archives: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting including spyware issues

Exchange 2007 OWA Service Unavailable

Working where I do gives me the opportunity to work with the latest and greatest of technologies.  Exchange 2007 is, in my opinion, a huge improvement over 2003 in terms of speed.  However, it moved too far away from the familiar GUI (like vista did), and therefore some usability has suffered.

Because Exchange 2007 requires 64 bit processors (or at the very least an Intel processor that emulates 64 bit technology), Windows Server 2003 X64 is needed. This means that Exchange will use up as much RAM as it wants to (10 out of 12GB on our server). It also means that .net 1 and .net 1.1 DO NOT work well with it. There are scripts that enable IIS to support 32 bit processes, but who wants to muck up the works with 32 bit and 64 bit processes fighting for resources?

If you accidentally install the Windows update hotfix .net 1.1 on your exchange server (I know I did), then it will automatically convert your nice 64 bit Exchange server into a 32bit mixed-mode Exchange server. Which might not be bad, except for the fact that IIS doesn’t like to mix modes. And that takes me to the point of all this writing – IIS does NOT like 32bit and 64bit.

When the hotfix made Exchange go into mixed-mode, IIS freaked out and stopped supporting OWA (outlook web access). It hosted a site called “Service Unavailable”. Not very creative. And through lots of searching, I came upon a set of instructions that is quite easy and works every time I replicate the issue.

1.) Uninstall Hotfix 1.1. If you really need .net 1 support, you’ll have to look elsewhere. .net2 works just fine. It’ll ask you to reboot the server, which sucks.
2.) Uninstall .net 1.0. Read above if you really require .net 1 support.
3.) On your exchange server, run this from the command line: “%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i”
If you get an error indicating that IIS is in 32 bit mode, go to step 4, otherwise go to step 5.
4.) ONLY TYPE THIS IF YOU GOT AN ERROR. “cscript c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET /w3svc/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 False”
This will make it so you are in a pure 64Bit environment again. After a couple minutes, go to Step 3 and run that command again (it will pass this time).
5.) Restart IIS. Check your OWA or Exchange web access.

Cisco VPN CSGina.dll Failed To Load

Here’s the full error:
The Login User Interface DLL CSGina.dll failed to load. Contact your system administrator to replace the DLL, or restore the original DLL.

This happens when you uninstall, and sometimes install, the Cisco VPN client. Cisco VPN client adds a registry key that disables fast user switching and loads the client before booting into Windows.

The fix below requires editing your registry files. If you have no idea what a registry file is, you probably shouldn’t be editing them. If you edit incorrectly your computer may refuse to boot. Here’s the quick fix:

1.) Reboot the machine
2.) Press F8 to load up the boot options menu for Windows
3.) Select Safe Mode and then select your Windows Installation
4.) After Windows loads into safe mode, it’ll ask if you want to continue working in Safe Mode. Select Yes.
5.) Start >> Run >> “regedit” (without the quotes). Press Enter.
6.) Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
7.) Look for the GinaDLL Key
8.) Select and delete this key. DO NOT delete the entire Winlogon folder of keys.
9.) Close Regedit and reboot the machine

This is actually the most popular post on! Awesome!

Microsoft System Tools MRT SFC

Here are some hidden gems within the Microsoft Windows OS. I’m pretty sure these still apply to the newest Vista OS, but if not then it’s for XP ONLY.

Start >> Run >> “MRT”.
This will load up the Microsoft Removal Tool (Also known as Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool). This will scan all of your files to see if some of the well-known Trojans or Viruses are loaded on your machine. This is NOT a replacement for AntiVirus software.

Start >> Run >> “SFC /SCANNOW”.
This will load up the System File Checker tool (Also known as Microsoft Windows XP Windows File Checker Version 5.1). This program will find all altered system files and fix them to the original. You’ll need a copy of your i386 folder (found on the Windows XP CD-ROM) in order to take full advantage of this tool.

Can Ping Out, Not In

Having problems pinging a remote user? Can they ping you just fine?

Here’s the steps I did:
1. Install the latest and greatest driver for the network card. Check.
2. Turn off the firewall. Windows firewall, or a third party firewall, may be blocking the ICMP ping protocol. Check
3. Uninstall the network device. Then scan for hardware changes and it should automatically reinstall. Check.
4. Do you use Cisco VPN Client? Open the VPN Client, right-click on the system tray icon, and uncheck “stateful firewall (always on)”. Check.
5. Reset the switch/change cables/reboot the computer. Check.

Then you should be done. If you have more suggestions, or can’t get something to work, let us know.

Optical Drive Disappears

If your CD or DVD ROM drive has recently disappeared, you may want to read this post. If it disappeared on its own, then it can be one of a few problems:

1. The driver has been uninstalled/corrupted or the wrong driver is installed. You can either use Microsoft Update to update to the newest driver, or you can RollBack the driver to the previous version.
2. You’ve disconnected the data/power cable. Check the cables.
3. The drive has died. You’ll need to buy a new drive.

If it disappeared after you uninstalled or installed a software package, then here’s a registry hack (fix) that helps solve your issue. Most of the time this is a result of uninstalling or installing a second version of a CD/DVD Burning Software kit.

1. Make sure that the driver is correct/up-to-date/installed properly.
2. Microsoft recommends uninstalling any CD/DVD Burning Software PRIOR to performing this hack.
3. Open up the Registry Editor. Start >> Run >> regedit.
4. Go to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Class/{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
5. Delete the keys “UpperFilters” and “LowerFilters”.
6. Reboot the computer.

You should now see your favorite Optical drive in your My Computer.

Common BSOD Errors in Windows 2000 XP

BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death

STOP: 0x0000000A

This Stop error, which can be caused by either software or hardware, indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory location it did not have permission to access or a memory location that exists at a kernel interrupt request level (IRQL) that was too high. A kernel-mode process can access other only processes that have an IRQL that’s equal to or lower than its own.

STOP: 0x0000001E

This Stop error indicates that indicates that the Windows XP kernel detected an illegal or unknown processor instruction. The problems that cause this Stop error can be either software or hardware related and result from invalid memory and access violations, which are intercepted by Windows’ default error handler if error-handling routines are not present in the code itself.

STOP: 0x00000050

This Stop error indicates that requested data was not in memory. The system generates an exception error when using a reference to an invalid system memory address. Defective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video RAM) or incompatible software (including remote control and antivirus software) might cause this Stop error.

STOP: 0x0000007B

This Stop error indicates that Windows XP has lost access to the system partition or boot volume during the startup process. Installing incorrect device drivers when installing or upgrading storage adapter hardware typically causes this Stop error. This error could also indicate a possible virus infection.

STOP: 0x0000007F

This Stop error indicates a hardware problem resulting from mismatched memory, defective memory, a malfunctioning CPU, or a fan failure that’s causing overheating.

STOP: 0x0000009F

This Stop error indicates that a driver is in an inconsistent or invalid power state. This Stop error typically occurs during events that involve power state transitions, such as shutting down, or moving in or out of standby or hibernate mode.

STOP: 0x000000D1

This Stop error indicates that the system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. The most typical cause is a bad device driver (one that uses improper addresses). It can also be caused by faulty or mismatched RAM or a damaged pagefile.

STOP: 0x000000EA

This Stop error indicates that a device driver problem is causing the system to pause indefinitely. Typically, this problem is caused by a display driver waiting for the video hardware to enter an idle state. This might indicate a hardware problem with the video adapter or a faulty video driver.

STOP: 0x00000024

This Stop error indicates that a problem occurred within Ntfs.sys, the driver file that allows the system to read and write to drives formatted with the NTFS file system. (A similar Stop message, 0x00000023, exists for the file allocation table [FAT16 or FAT32)] file systems.)

STOP: 0xC0000218

This Stop error indicates that a necessary registry hive file could not be loaded. The file may be corrupt or missing. The registry file may have been corrupted due to hard disk corruption or some other hardware problem. A driver may have corrupted the registry data while loading into memory or the memory where the registry is loading may have a parity error.

STOP: 0xC0000221

This Stop message indicates driver, system file, or disk corruption problems (such as a damaged paging file). Faulty memory hardware can also cause this Stop message to appear.

STOP: 0x0000008e
This is usually an issue with RAM, but it all depends on the system. Most often it will happen with Windows XP SP2.

hal.dll Is Missing

I’ve had this issue almost as many times as I’ve had the NTLDR issue. So I decided to be a great guy and explain how I fix(ed) it.

Here’s the error: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \system32\hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file.

1.) Boot off your Windows XP Disk
2.) If you require a HD driver (if you use SATA for example) make sure you have a floppy of the SATA drivers handy – you will need it.
3.) After the setup finishes loading, press R for repair.
4.) A recovery console will appear, select the installation of Windows you want to repair (usually C:\Windows)
5.) Type in your administrator password. In most cases this is actually blank.
6.) Type BootCfg /Rebuild (this will take a while, select the option ALL).
7.) You will have to select a few options here if you have more than one Windows bootable drive. ALL usually works just fine.
8.) Enter Load Identifier shows up. Type in something you’ll remember (I usually type TESTing)
9.) Enter Operating System Load Options shows up. Type /fastdetect

10.) Type exit. You should be done.