OPNSense Booting.. Stuck

Trying to install OPNSense on an older Alibaba system I had laying around, and I noticed that I couldn’t install due to the system freezing at the “Booting…” prompt (post kernel loading).

When booting, press “3” to Escape to loader prompt.

  • Type set kern.vty=sc
  • Press enter
  • Type boot
  • Press enter

Assuming the system boots and you can install, you’ll have to edit a file in the /boot directory to get the system to boot with future restarts.

  • cd /boot; press enter
  • vi loader.conf.local; press enter
  • i
  • kern.vty=sc
  • Press esc
  • :wq!; press enter

I should note that this fix was permanent between reboots and updates until just recently; patched a remote system of similar specs and it required the creation of the loader.conf.local file again.

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